Proteins are fundamental structural and functional elements within every cell of the body, it is an essential macronutrients for the human body. Protein is vital because it carries many functions in our body:
An average adult is recommended to consume 0.8g of protein per kg of body weight everyday. Some specific groups such as infants, children, adolescents, pregnant women, lactating women, elderly, sick people and athletes should increase their protein intake due to the increased demand for proteins.
It is important to choose the right source of proteins. There are two types of proteins:

- Animal protein : Fish, egg and white meat such as poultry are good choices for animal proteins.

2. Plant protein : Although most of the plants could not provide complete proteins, interestingly, soy and peas have complete proteins that provide all of the essential amino acids.
Besides that, by adding two or more incomplete protein sources together, they could complement each other to become a complete protein. Thus, it is important to include a variety of foods in our diet.