Health Corner

Owning to the unprecedented global impact of corona virus (COVID-19), things around us have become uncertain and we have seen life taking a 360-degree turn as several events unfolded around us since March 2020. Today more than ever, people across the world are practicing gratitude for health while being vigilant about protecting it. Staying healthy and building/ maintaining a strong immune system have never been so important. It is vital that our immune system is in good working order if we want to stay as protected as possible.



The immune system is the body’s defense against infections. It attacks germs and helps keep us healthy by protecting us from diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and toxins, and helps remove foreign bodies and malignant cells from our system. In addition, the immune system is responsible for down-regulating immune responses against external harmless triggers such as food, or against the bodies’ own tissue. When the body senses foreign substances (called antigens), the immune system works to recognize the antigens and get rid of them. Failure to do so can result in the development of allergy or autoimmune disorders.


NUTRITION & IMMUNE SYSTEMNutrition plays an important role in strengthening our immune system. Receiving the right nutrition can positively impact the gut microbiota and therefore the immune system. A balanced diet consisting of a range of vitamins and minerals, combined with healthy lifestyle factors like adequate sleep and exercise and low stress, most effectively primes the body to fight infection and disease.


In our current mode of living, with so many other tasks competing for our attention, we have compromised eating right which denies us from receiving the right nutrition. This may result in poor gut health and subsequently poor immune system. However, with the busy lifestyle that we lead today, eating healthy and receiving all the essential minerals and vitamins from nutritious food can be challenging. Circumstances like these calls for an alternative that isn’t time consuming and at the same time delivers all the nutrients required for our body.


Source: Livewell Heatlh


GSure is a plant-based complete and balanced nutrition beverage which is specially formulated with 18 types of premium grains. Besides being high in dietary fibre, CaHMB, Omega 3 & 6, and Lutein, GSure also contains 28 types of minerals and vitamins of which 13 of it is essential in boosting our immunity. GSure contains protein, Vitamin A, B6, B12,C,D,E, folate, iron, zinc, selenium, copper and prebiotics that help promote immune function and keep us healthy.

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As the corona virus continues to sweep the globe, protecting the health of ourselves and our loved ones has become our utmost priority and with Gsure, getting the right nutrients has never been easier.