Breast Cancer: The No.1 Killer in Women

Health Corner

Breast Cancer Statisitcs

October had been designated as the Pink Month – Breast Cancer Awareness. This is to educate people about breast cancer involving early identification and signs and symptoms associated with breast cancer.

Breast cancer remains the most common cancer that affects women in Malaysia. According to the Malaysian National Cancer Registry Report (2007 – 2011) 1 in 30 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. In Malaysia women aged 50 and above have a higher risk of getting breast cancer compared to women aged 40 and above.

Thus early detection of breast cancer can help to increase the chances of successful treatment and survival. Always remember early detection saves lives! Here is what you need to know about breast cancer:

Self-Examination Procedures

Look at yourself in the mirror. Observe anything unusual:

– A lump on the breast?

– Redness/ Chest pain?

– Change of breast size?

– Nipple changing?

– Change in skin colour and condition?

– Bloody discharge?

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With fingertips close together gently probe each breast in these three patterns to feel for any changes or lump.

Breast Cancer Prevention Diet and Lifestyle:

There is no single food or diet that can prevent or cause breast cancer but a person can make a difference to their risk of developing breast cancer by their dietary choice and overall well-being.

Healthy Diet

Nuts Seeds

Nuts Seeds

Soybeans Soy-based product

Soybeans Soy-based product

Variety of fruits & vegetables

Variety of fruits & vegetables

Vitamin D & Calcium

Vitamin D & Calcium

Whole Grains

Whole Grains



Limit salt intake (Not more than 6g per day)

Limit salt intake (Not more than 6g per day)

Limit high fat/processed food

Limit high fat/processed food

Breast cancer is a complex disease with many contributing factors such as family history age genetics and gender are not within a person’s control.

However other than dietary choice a person can control other factors such as:


Reduce alcoholic

Reduce alcoholic

Be active

Be active

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Weight Management

Weight Management

Prolong breastfeeding after childbirth

Prolong breastfeeding after childbirth

Limit the use of hormonal therapy and/or hormonal contraception

Limit the use of hormonal therapy and/or hormonal contraception

Avoid exposure to radiation and environmental pollutants

Avoid exposure to radiation and environmental pollutants

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