Bamboo Ginger = Heaty? Things you didn’t know about Bamboo Ginger.

Blog Health Corner

Ginger has been promoted to become a multi-functional healthy food other than as a condiment. Its nutritional value and medical benefits are indeed worth to be cherished. Bamboo Ginger, warm but not hot, it is relatively small in shape and slender with many branches outward. Its content is fresh and yet spicy. The gingerol content of Bamboo Ginger is 20 times higher than the ordinary ginger. This gingerol content is one of the main reasons why we should eat more ginger. However, many people are still doubting about Bamboo Ginger.

Does Bamboo Ginger cause heaty problem?

In fact, moderate intake of Bamboo Ginger will not cause heaty problem, on the other hand, will have a very good cooling and sweat-inducing effect. Gingerol content of Bamboo Ginger helps in promoting blood circulation and exciting the nervous system. It will then expand the pores and increase the amount of sweat so that body’s internal heat and toxins can be excreted together with sweat in order to achieve the effects of sweating and detoxification, warming up the body and improving the cold hands and feet.

Can a person with an upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea take Bamboo Ginger?

Bamboo Ginger has a good antibacterial effect, it can prevent stomach upset that is caused by bacterial infection with the presence of gingerol. In fact, research has shown that ginger is good for people with indigestion problem. Indigestion is usually caused by poor gastrointestinal peristalsis. Thus, in this situation, gingerol can help to increase the secretion of gastric juice and peristalsis of the intestinal wall, which will then help in digestion and increase appetite. In addition, active ingredients in Bamboo Ginger also have a significant effect in relieve vomiting, which is beneficial for patients who have just undergone surgery or even chemotherapy.

Does Bamboo Ginger affect sleeping?

Since Bamboo Ginger help to warm up the body, people tend to wonder will it cause fever and insomnia. In fact, other than promoting blood circulation, Bamboo Ginger also helps in detoxification. Hence, it can discharge toxins caused by insomnia, which will then help in sleeping.

Can Bamboo Ginger be taking during pregnancy?

During the first trimester of pregnancy, many women experience the bouts of nausea and vomiting (morning sickness). The research involved 1278 pregnant women shown that 1.1g – 1.5 g of ginger can relieve the symptom of nausea in pregnant women significantly (3). Besides, Bamboo Ginger helps in digestion and increase appetite so that pregnant women are getting adequate nutrients for their baby. Antibacterial properties of Bamboo Ginger are essential for pregnant women which can help to improve their immune system and thus prevent cold.

Other than common questions above, there are still many hidden benefits of Bamboo Ginger.

Bamboo Ginger enhance immunity & relieve arthritis.

Gingerol in Bamboo Ginger has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, therefore other than enhance immunity, its anti-inflammatory properties do help in relieve arthritis as well. Some research also has shown that Bamboo Ginger has the function of relieving muscle soreness.

Bamboo Ginger reduce blood sugar and cholesterol level, lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

Studies have shown that ginger has a strong effect on lowering blood sugar and cholesterol. However, these are the relatively new field of studies, hence more research is needed for further clarification. Anyhow, benefits of ginger still cannot be ignored.

Bamboo Ginger relieve period pain.

Menstrual pain is a common symptom of menstruation which suffered by most of the women. The traditional way to relieve pain is to eat Bamboo Ginger during menstruation. Ginger has been proved to be effective in relieving pain, where its effectiveness is as good as painkillers such as mefenamic acid and ibuprofen.

Bamboo Ginger, cancer-fighting food.

Gingerol and the derivatives found in the rhizome extract of ginger have been shown to have good antioxidant properties. These antioxidant properties can effectively reduce the risk of cancer. In addition, active ingredients with high antioxidant properties can also help to delay aging and reduce neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

All in all, Bamboo Ginger is well deserved to entitle as “super food”.
