Tips on How to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease 如何预防心血管疾病?

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Tips on How to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease 如何预防心血管疾病?

According to World Health Organization (WHO) cardiovascular disease is number one killer disease worldwide more than 17 million people die annually from cardiovascular disease than any other cause. Most of these people have been exposed to unhealthy behaviors that would increase the probability of them to suffer from such disease. Much cardiovascular disease can be avoided by just adopting a few simple daily changes on your lifestyle. Here are some key prevention steps on how to prevent cardiovascular disease a person can take to reduce the risk as the saying goes on “Prevention is better than Cure”! Perhaps it can help millions of people avoid from unnecessary death and suffering from cardiovascular disease.
A. Stop smoking

  • Tobacco use increases the risk of heart attacks and stroke where chemicals in the tobacco can damage our heart and blood vessels thus lead to arteries narrowing due to formation of plaque on thewall of the artery which will then eventually lead to heart attack. In addition try to avoid smoke-filled environments as exposure to second-hand smoke will significantly increase the risk of heart attack. This is because carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke might replace some of the oxygen in the blood. When there is lack of oxygen in the blood it will force the heart to work harder to supply enough oxygen hence causes blood pressure to be increased and then lead to heart attack.

B. Be physically active

  • Try to make exercise a regular part of your life by engaging in physical activity for at least 30 minutes every day can help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Being active is also a great way to relieve stress and control body weight as well where both of these are the risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Thus this can reduce the chances of developing other conditions that may put a strain on the heart such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol that will ultimately lead to cardiovascular disease. Combining both physical activity with other lifestyle measures such as maintaining a healthy and normal body weight will guarantee you the greater payoff than practicing them alone.

C. Practice healthy eating lifestyle: Eat well!

  • Eating a healthy diet helps to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Be sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and go for a variety of whole grain food(GoodMorningVGrains 18 Grains GoodMorningVplus 18 Grains and GoodMorningVGold 18 Grains) as well as foods that are low in saturated fats. Whole grains are good sources of fiber and other nutrients that play an important role in regulating blood pressure andprotection against heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol level. It is recommended to increase the amount of whole grains in a healthy diet by making substitution for refined grains products. This is because refined grains products contain only 5% of nutrient compared to whole grains products that with 100% nutrients.Soluble fiberfound in whole grainsform a gel-like substance when dissolved in water inside the digestive system it tends tobind with cholesterol particles in body preventing or slowing their absorption into the blood stream and remove them from the body thus help to reduce overall cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease.

D. Limiting alcohol use

  • Drinking alcohol in moderation may have a protective effect on our heart. However excessive alcohol use can lead to health hazard and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. This is because drinking alcohol more than the lower risk guidelines can raise the blood pressure of a person which is one of the most important risk factors for having a heart attack or a stoke. Heavy drinking weakens the heart muscle thus causing the heart not able to function and pump blood efficiently. Alcohol may add extra calories to a person which may then cause weight gain. Consuming too many calories can lead to obesity and this will increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Do drink alcohol or limit alcohol use by following the recommended alcohol intake and drink a lots of water every day!

E. Maintain a healthy and normal body weight

  • Being overweight or obeseespecially if the excess weight is around the abdomen increase the risk for developing cardiovascular disease. This is because excess weight are linked to theconditionssuch as high cholesterol and triglyceride levels high blood pressure and diabetes. One of the good way to keep track of a healthy weight is to calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) which take into account a person’s height and weight in order to determine how much body fat that person have as well as to determine whether he or she is in the category of healthy or unhealthy percentage of body fat.



  • 香烟里含有烟草的成分,使用烟草会提高患上心脏病和中风的风险,烟草中的化学物质对人体心脏有害并会损害血管,导致动脉狭窄,最终引致心脏病发作。除此之外,须尽量避免处于充满烟雾的环境,暴露于二手烟会增加心脏病爆发的风险。这是因为香烟中的一氧化碳可能会替代血液中的一些氧气。当血液中缺乏氧气时,会迫使心脏更加努力地操作以提供足够的氧气,导致血压升高,最终引致心脏病发作。


  • 让运动成为您生活中的一部分,每日进行至少30分钟的运动来活跃身体有助于降低心血管疾病的风险。同时也是缓解压力和控制体重的好方法,这两者都是导致心血管疾病发生的因素。因此,多运动可以减少其他能对心脏产生压力的可能性,最终引致心血管疾病,例如高血压和高胆固醇。综合运动与其他生活方式如保持身体健康和正常体重,在相并进行的情况下能带给您比单独运动来得更有利、更大的回报。


  • 健康的饮食方式有助于降低心血管疾病的风险。大量地摄取新鲜水果和蔬菜,还有全穀糧食品(GoodMorningVGrains紫薯蓝莓18穀糧,GoodMorningVplus 18穀糧和GoodMorningVGold黄金18穀糧)以及饱和脂肪低的食物。全穀糧是纤维素和其他营养物质的良好来源,有助于调节血压和通过降低血液胆固醇水平来防止心脏疾病。专家建议在饮食中以全穀糧来替代精制穀糧以增加健康饮食中全穀糧的摄取量。精制穀糧仅含有5%的营养物质而全穀糧却富有100%的营养物质。当溶解在消化系统内的水中时,全穀糧里的水溶性纤维会形成凝胶状物质,并与身体中的胆固醇颗粒结合,防止或减缓其胆固醇颗粒吸收到血液中并将其从体内除去,进而有助于降低总体胆固醇水平和患上心脏病的风险。


  • 适量的饮酒可能对我们的心脏起着保护作用。然而,过量的酒精摄取量会危害健康,并提高发生心血管疾病的风险。当酒精摄取量高于最低风险指南时,会导致血压上升,这也是心脏病发作或中风的重要危险因素之一。重度饮酒会削弱心脏肌肉,导致心脏不能有效地操作和泵血。酒精中含有热量,会在饮食中添加额外的卡路里,进而导致体重上升。过多的卡路里摄取量将会引致肥胖,这将会提高发生心血管疾病的风险。须按照酒精摄取的推荐指南来饮酒和限制酒精摄取并且每日大量的喝水。


  • 超重或肥胖,特别是当多余的体重都聚集在腹部时将会提高发生心血管疾病的风险。多余的体重与高胆固醇水平、高血压和糖尿病是息息相关的,这将提高患上心血管疾病的机率。维持健康体重的其一良方就是计算身体质量指数(Body Mass Index BMI),该身体质量指数考量了一个人的体重和体重,来计算该人的体脂肪,以及确定他/她是否属于健康的身体脂肪百分比。