GoodMorning CSR Activity

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【GoodMorning CSR Activity 晨旭之美履行社会企业责任】
晨旭之美创办人兼首席执行官拿督林绅文博士透过 YB 黄书琪得知居銮中央医院(新冠肺炎治疗医院)缺乏物资供应尤其是食品饮料,马上安排分批捐出共 16800 包价值 RM42000 的 VGrains 紫薯蓝莓18穀糧,可供应医院两个月。感恩 YB 黄书琪的温馨提醒和安排。


Dato’ Dr.Lim Sin Boon Founder & CEO of GoodMorning Global contributed 16800 packs of GoodMorning VGrains worth RM42000 to Hospital Enche’ Besar Hajjah Khalsom Kluang (Covid-19-designated treatment hospital) via YB Wong Shu Qi.

Stay strong and together we fight Covid 19! ?