5 ways to lose weight healthily

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Other than using meal replacement you also need to make changes in your daily lifestyle. For instance attain adequate sleep and regular exercise habits. Only by combining efforts from change in dietary intake and lifestyle then you will not only be able to see the numbers change on a scale the overall well-being of your body will also improve.

1. Maintain a balanced diet adequate intake of whole grain-based foods reduce intake of foods high in refined carbohydrates eg white rice white bread or noodle sugar & oil: Reduce the intake of non-nutritive junk foods such as potato chips popcorn; eat more fruit and vegetable which is high in fiber. If possible avoid eating out.

2. At least 150 minutes of exercise a week: Make sure you fulfill at least 150 minutes of aerobic exercise in a week. Choose the exercise based on your ability and preference to be done in a number of sets. Exercise not only burn calories it also helps to relieve stress and negative emotions to avoid uncontrolled or binge eating and drinking. One step at a time gradually increase the frequency intensity and duration depending on body capability.

3. Change habits that contribute to obese or overweight: Do you enjoy eating supper? Do you sit and slide your phone after taking meal? Find out the habits that cause you gain weight and quit these habits. If you cannot stop yourself from eating late night supper perhaps take food with lower calories and fat as replacement.

4. Maintain good and positive emotion: learn how to alleviate and resolve your negative emotion to avoid yourself from over-eating.

5. Be positive when face with weight rebound: during the weight lost period you may encounter a number of obstacles and some even experience a sudden rise in body weight. However it is a normal situation and should not give up. On the other hand you should figure out the reason for the weight rebound and try to tackle it. If necessary adjust your diet or increase the intensity of your exercise.