10 Ways to Build Healthy Bones and Keep them Strong 建立健康、强壮骨骼的方法

10 Ways to Build Healthy Bones and Keep them Strong 建立健康、强壮骨骼的方法

Osteoporosis is considered a serious and growing public health concern due to the increasing number of fractures and osteoporosis related problems as we age. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation this condition is estimated to affects approximately 200 million women worldwide. It occurs when the bone mass decreases more quickly than the body can create the new one to replace those old bones thus leading to a net loss of bone strength and causing bones to become weak and more easily fracture. 

Osteoporosis is caused by an imbalance in the bone-building cycle of the body. The process of bone-building and bone breaking down will be disturbed especially during menopause it happened when hormonal changes cause us to lose bone faster than it can be replaced.  The rate of bone loss accelerates especially on women that have experienced menopause where they have a quick drop in estrogen level and this will then lead to a rapid decrease in bone density. As a result the risk of osteoporosis and fracture increases because older women loss more bone than they replace. Other hormones imbalance such as parathyroid hormone and growth hormone may lead to osteoporosis as well. These hormones play a role in regulating bone density where they help to orchestrate how well the bones use calcium and when to build up or break down the bone.

Other conditions that may lead to osteoporosis include alcohol consumption which can arrest bone remodeling overuse of thyroid hormone lack of muscle use use of certain medications and problems such as low calcium or low vitamin D in the diet. Body can’t rebuild new bone during the lifelong process of bone remodeling if there is absence of calcium. While inadequate intake of vitamin D can lead to weak bones and increased bone loss. There are many nutrition and lifestyle habits can serve as the path to build healthy bones and maintain them to keep them strong by engaging to ten simple ways below.

  1. Embrace calcium rich food in the diet

Calcium is the most important mineral for bone health as it serves as the major building blocks for healthy and strong bones. It is essential for proper development of bones. While bone also acts as the reservoir for calcium when there is insufficient calcium intake from the diet for daily use in body functions the body tend to withdraw those calcium it needs from the bone. If those calcium is not replaced in the bone our bones will become porous and thus lose their strength. Besides when the withdrawal calcium is more than the deposited calcium it will cause the declination of bone density and the person may be at risk of developing osteoporosis. Therefore consume enough calcium daily is vital for bone structure protection as well as maintain bone strength for healthy bones and on the other hand to prevent osteoporosis.

  1. Consume enough protein in the diet

Protein is the building blocks of bones where it can help to protect bone health. It is responsible to maintain the cycle of bone breakdown and bone formation to replace those old bones with the new one. Therefore low protein intake may delay the absorption of calcium in the body which will then affect the rates of bone formation and breakdown. Protein helps in regulating acid and alkaline balance in the blood. When the blood is slightly too acidic calcium with its alkalinity properties tend to leach from bone in order to neutralize the acids in the blood. The leaching of calcium from the bone may contribute to a reduction in bone mineral density thus protein may help to regulate the acid and base balance in the blood.

  1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

Consume lots of fruits and vegetables to get a good balance of all necessary vitamins and minerals in order to maintain bone health. Bone density can be increased through the consumption of vegetables in the diet. Vitamin C is among the vitamin that can help to improve health where adequate among of vitamin C helps to improve bone density as well as stimulate the production of bone-forming cells. This is because vitamin C is essential to the development of collagen i.e. the protein that build skin bones and connective tissue. Antioxidant effect of vitamin C prevent the bone cells from damage and hence reduce the chances of developing fragile bones that may break down easily.

  1. Get plenty of vitamin D and vitamin K every day

Body produces vitamin D in skin when a person is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption in the body to improve bone and muscle health. It also plays a role in supporting the growth and maintenance of skeleton as well as regulating calcium level in the blood. Calcium is essential for bone health but it may not be able to perform its function when there is insufficient supply of vitamin D in the body. Calcium must be worked together with vitamin D in order for the body to absorb calcium that required by the body every day. Thus vitamin D do help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and avoid problems with broken bones when you age.

Besides not getting enough vitamin K from the diet may lead to weaker bones and an increased risk of developing fragile bones that break easily. This is because vitamin K helps the body to produce proteins for healthy bones. It supports bone health by modifying protein that are involved in bone formation. This modification enables the protein to bind to minerals in bones and then helps prevent the loss of calcium from the bones. Studies shown that people with low level of vitamin K in the blood stream are having low bone density and are in the increased risk of developing fragile bones that can be broken down easily.

  1. Supplementing with potassium and magnesium

The role of potassium in bone health is related to its ability to neutralize bone-depleting metabolic acids that will remove or break down calcium from the body so that calcium can be absorbed into the body successfully. Fruits and vegetables as well as most spices contain high amounts of potassium compounds if this mineral is not consumed in adequate amounts alkalizing bone mineral compounds are used to help to reduce low-grade metabolic acidosis causing increase in the breakdown of bone and decrease the bone strength thus ultimately increase the risk of developing osteoporosis. Whereas magnesium plays a role in converting inactive vitamin D into the active form which helps to promote calcium absorption in the body. It also contributes to increase bone density as well as prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

  1. Be physically active and exercise regularly

Engage in balance training muscle strengthening and weight bearing exercise that stress the bones and muscles regularly is one of the necessary step in maintaining bone health as well as for the prevention of osteoporosis. Regular exercise may help to avoid falls and reduce the chance of breaking a bone. This is because exercise strengthen the bone and maintain muscle strength other than improve a person’s balance and flexibility in order to prevent bone loss it also helps in promotes the formation of new bones. Embrace in 30 minutes of regular exercise a day along with adopting a healthy diet may help to increase bone mineral density especially in older people.

  1. Avoid alcohol consumption

Alcohol under heavy consumption tend to interfere with pancreas and its absorption of calcium and vitamin D hence the body does not absorb calcium adequately and ultimately caused bone loss. It can damage our bones and affect bone quality dramatically thus increase the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. The production of hormones that have a protective effect on bones as well as the production of certain vitamins that are required for calcium absorption can also be affected through the excessive use of alcohol.

  1. Stop smoking

Nicotine and toxins in cigarette smoke damage the bone by generating free radicals that will attack our body’s natural defense system and thus affect all the cells organs and hormones that are responsible for keeping healthy bones. Smoking reduce the amount of calcium that can be absorbed by the bones as it interferes with the mechanism of how our body utilize vitamin D to absorb calcium. As a result the body is unable to absorb calcium efficiently to build strong bones and cause the bones start to get brittle which will then ultimately lead to osteoporosis. It is shown that bone density and bone strength can be increased significantly if a smoker quit smoking. This is because smoking cessation even later in life may help to limit smoking-related bone loss.

  1. Consume less caffeine and limit coffee intake

Caffeine same as alcohol will interfere with the body’s ability to absorb calcium and impair it thereby impacting bone health. Diuretic effect of caffeine will cause the loss of water and calcium from the body and thus may increase the risk of developing fragile bones and osteoporosis as well. In addition caffeine may cause leaching of calcium from bones and sapping their strength.

  1. Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight plays a key role in protect bone health. Being obese is at the risk of impair bone quality and also increase the risk of developing fractures due to the stress of excess weight on the body. Whilst low body weight will contribute to the condition of low bone density and bone loss especially in postmenopausal women who have lost the bone-protective effects of estrogen.



其他将会导致骨骼疏松症的因素包括了酒精摄取、过度使用甲状腺激素、缺少使用肌肉、服用药物和饮食中摄取低钙质或低维生素D等问题。在缺乏钙质的情况下,身体不能在骨骼重塑过程中重建新骨骼。 而摄取不足的维生素D会导致骨骼变弱,增加骨质流失。许多营养学和生活等方面的习惯都可以作为建立健康骨骼的途径。以下十种简单的方法有助于建立强壮的骨骼。

  1. 在饮食中摄取高钙质的食物


  1. 在饮食中摄取足够的蛋白质

蛋白质是组成骨骼的成分,有助于保护骨骼的健康。它是负责维持骨骼分解与形成的周期,以用新的骨骼来取代旧骨骼。因此,低蛋白摄入量会延缓体内钙质的吸收,从而影响骨骼形成和分解的速度。 蛋白质有助于调节血液中的酸碱平衡。当血液处于稍微酸性时,其碱性物质的钙质将从骨中流出以抵消血液中的酸性。从骨骼中流出的钙质会降低骨质密度,因此蛋白质有助于调节血液中的酸碱平衡。

  1. 多吃蔬菜和水果


  1. 每日摄取足够的维生素D喝K

当人暴露于阳光下时,身体会在皮肤中产生维生素D。维生素D对于身体中的钙吸收是极为重要的,以改善骨骼和肌肉的健康。它也起着支撑骨骼生长和调节血液中钙质含量的作用。钙质对于骨骼健康至关重要,但当体内维生素D的供应不足时,钙质就可能无法发挥其作用。钙质必须与维生素D一起运用,以便身体能吸收每日所需的钙质。 因此,维生素D有助于降低骨质疏松症的风险,并能避免您在年老时骨骼脆弱。


  1. 补钾和镁



  1. 保持活跃的生活及定期做运动


  1. 避免饮酒


  1. 戒烟


  1. 限制咖啡因的摄取量


  1. 维持健康体重
