Drink coffee before a workout? Workout + Coffee = Accelerates Fat Loss?

Health Corner

Currently, many people are aware on their health management and begin to develop exercise habit such as jogging, cycling, badminton, swimming,etc. However, many people are full of passion and having vigorous exercise during beginning which may lead to injury. Therefore, beginner should started with stretching, from light exercise slowly change to moderate to vigorous exercise as well as amount of exercise may increase gradually from 1-3 times a week to once a day. For example, jogging, beginner may begins from fast walk to slow jog to fast jog. 

Believe that most people had hear about coffee diet help weight loss. Studies shown that caffeine in coffee allow to increase concentration, reduce fatigue and prolong exercise time.

Are You Drinking Coffee the Right Way? What Do We Need to Pay Extra Attention to?

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Drinking coffee did provide many benefits, but did you know the right way for coffee consumption? According to studies, professional recommended a healthy adult should not consume more than 4 cups of coffee per day (No sugar and creamer added), caffeine content should less than 400mg. Excessive intake of coffee may cause harm to our healthy! Caffeine not only being found in coffee as well as in tea, chocolate, energy drink, etc. Coffee with added sugar and milk provide high calories. 

In addition, coffee is not recommended for people such as:

  • High blood pressure & heart disease patients (Caffeine will raise the heart rate and blood pressure. If want to consume coffee, should pay attention to the daily caffeine intake which should not exceed 200 mg!)
  • People with insomnia
  • People with chronic renal failure, poor kidney function
  • People with anxiety
  • People with poor digestion or gastric (Avoid consume coffee with empty stomach, it may hurts your stomach. If you still wish to have Coffee, may try out GoodMorning VCoffee 18 Grains Red Coffee, grains help to improve digestion! )
  • Pregnant & lactation women (Although some studies shown pregnant & lactation women may consume less than 200mg caffeine but concern on health of fetus & baby, we still recommended avoid caffeine intake during these period!)

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Drink coffee before workout, what should everybody aware of ?

  • It is best to drink coffee at least 40 min – 1 hour before workout. Try not to have coffee if workout at night time to avoid insomnia.
  • Increase water intake as coffee has mild diuretic effect.
  • Do not consume coffee after workout, as coffee had diuretic effect, body loss water after workout and may lead to dehydration.
  • For those did not try drink coffee before workout, should start with low doses. Choose one day of the week to take coffee before workout, to get your body used to the new regime. Once your body is used to it, then only can take coffee every time you workout.
  • Every coffee consumption before workout should be low doses. High risk individual (heart diseases, hypertension, renal failure, kidney diseases, etc) are not recommended to have coffee before workout.
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  1. Increase excitability for workout

Caffeine acts as a stimulant on the brain and nervous system. It helps to increase the refreshed and focused, also enhance the excitability and agility for workout. 

  1. Improve blood circulation

Caffeine allow to perk up the blood vessel and improve blood circulation result in improving exercise performance.

  1. Increase fat burning

Studies shown that consume a cup of coffee (around 200mg of caffeine) before workout, may helps to burn extra 15% of calories. Caffeine in coffee can boost the metabolic rate, enhance the rate of fat and calories burn.

  1. Reduce muscle pain

Drink coffee before workout able to reduce the muscle pain causes by workout. Studies shown that coffee had more effective than pain killer in reducing the muscle pain after workout.

  1. Increase workout performance

Coffee allow to reduce fatigue and prolong our workout duration result in increasing workout performance.

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Ernice ENG 8